DIY aquarium lights

Buy a new aquarium, and you often get hood lights that are ... meh. They're good enough, but not great.

There are plenty of high-quality replacement lights out there, but none of them had the nice, low profile of the plastic covers that came with this tank. So I decided to spruce up the existing illumination with some DYI lights — and even make them programmable with an Arduino.

That was more than a year ago. Now in coronavirus isolation, I finally made it happen.

Here's how.

Make Every Week: Distance Sensor Demo

I stumbled on a fun, visceral way to show how Arduinos can sense and respond.

In preparation for a presentation at the Online News Association Conference in Los Angeles, I grabbed a Ping distance sensor I had in a bin. The Ping works like a bat — it emits an inaudible, high-frequency sound, and listens for the sound to bounce off an object. The round-trip time between ping and reflection reveals the distance.