Modeling the 2020 vote with Observable

I've been interested in how voter turnout might affect the 2020 US election and I've wanted to play with Observable notebooks.

So I blended the two projects, and you can play with my live Observable notebook that does those calculations.

The result is an admittedly super-simplistic model of how things might turn out. But you can increase the percentage of Republican and Democratic voters nationwide and see what happens!

Notably, even if Democrats were able to boost turnout more than Republicans — say 107% vs 106% — Trump still wins.

As written, it doesn't consider nuances such as regional differences in voting turnouts, swing voters, or faithless electors. (It does, however, account for the unique ways Maine and Nebraska divide their electoral votes). But I learned a lot in the process ... and there's more to come.

All my calculations are visible in the Observable notebook itself, and the initial data prep is documented in a Github repository. For good measure, I put all the raw data in my Datasette library.