For 26 hours this weekend, a bunch of journalists and coders got together to make lots of great things designed to help the citizens of New York City.
My blog post summarizing the event and all of the resulting projects is upon Hacks/Hackers.I helped Jenny 8. Lee, Chrys Wu and Stephanie Pereira organize the event. Then I joined a team working with digital heaps of NYC taxi trip data to make data visualizations and start some other projects. My favorite one is here (with a detail below), which is a representation of taxi usage for 24 hours, set around a clock. Beautiful. It was built by Zoe Fraade-Blanar using Processing and data crunched by the other teammates.
Click image for full view |
I came away from the event with many new connections, excitement about learning Processing, some more skills in Sinatra and a note to check out Bees with Machine Guns(!)